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Scope of Animation .The animation industry in India is expected to grow at a pace faster than the IT industry's! .There are more than 300 animation s

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Career in Graphic Design . - graphic design is the art of creating visual content to give a message . - Being a graphic designer is an exciting car

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Get job ready with Animation, Web design and development program. Design your own career with Arena Animation.Creating job ready professionals !

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Careers in VFXSome of the best examples of VFX in movies are Avatar, The Lord of the Rings, and Skyfall. The aforementioned movies along with the ad


7 Amazing Career Opportunities in the VFX IndustryVFX Career Opportunities in India1. Layout ArtistUsually part of the pre-production and previs

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7 Amazing Career Opportunities in the VFX IndustryVFX Career Opportunities in India1. Layout ArtistUsually part of the pre-production and previs

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