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Careers in VFX Some of the best examples of VFX in movies are Avatar, The Lord of the Rings, and Skyfall. The aforementioned movies along with the additions of Life of Pi, Madagascar 3, Rise of the Planet of the Apes and even Spiderman 3 all owe their success to the amazingly talented visual effects artists (VFX artists) in India, who made sure that the effects in these movies looked realistic and believable to the audiences. Even within the Indian film industry itself, VFX is fast catching up. South Indian movies like Makkhi and Rajnikanth starrer Kochadaiiyaan have set new standards for the Indian VFX industry. These rapid developments in the visual effects industry are, in turn, creating huge demand for trained visual effects artists. Along with the film industry, the gaming industry is also one of the major industries for VFX artists. Types of VFX Artists Match-Moving Artists: A match moving artist works on inserting computer generated graphics in live action footage and matches those movements in 3D. Their responsibility is to ensure that the animated objects, when inserted in the live action footage, look seamless and perfectly match the scene, so that viewers believe that character graphics elements are an actual part of the live footage. Compositors: Compositors are responsible for the final animation or film project by combining layers of related material, which include rendered computer animation, special effects, graphics, 2D animation and live action. Compositing artists may find work at film and video production studios, animation studios, gaming companies or advertising agencies. Roto Artists: Rotoscoping is the process of manually altering video or film footage one frame at a time. Roto artists are responsible for tracing areas of live action frames where computer graphics will overlap or interact with live images. Pre-vis artists: A pre-visualization artist, more commonly known as a pre-vis artist, is responsible for visualizing complex scenes before the actual shooting. This can be done through images drawn by hand or by using digital technology. Pre-visualization helps a director to get a clear idea of a sequence and the final camera movements before the actual production starts.

Posted on: 2019-09-14T12:48:07
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