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7 Amazing Career Opportunities in the VFX Industry VFX Career Opportunities in India 1. Layout Artist Usually part of the pre-production and previsualization process, a layout artist, as the name suggests, lays the foundations for how the visuals will eventually look. Typically, a layout artist is tasked with interpreting the script and storyboard and creating templates for how to transfer the script or storyboard into the visual medium. Everything from scene creation to camera angles and more falls under this remit. 2. Compositing Artist Well done visual effects merge seamlessly with the rest of the background, and don’t distract the viewing experience at all. One glitch though, and it can ruin the entire experience for the viewer. A compositor’s job is to ensure that this seamlessness between VFX and live action is intact, and any visual disturbances are eliminated. 3. Lighting Artist Lighting is one of the most crucial aspects of any film production – live action or animated. A lighting artist is in charge of understanding the behavior of light and its interaction with real world subjects and translating that into the visual effects world. Lighting plays a very important role in visual continuity and even the storytelling process, and a lighting artist has to be able to deliver the perfect amount of illumination to make a scene pop. 4. Rendering Artist When it comes to VFX career opportunities in India, rendering artists are in high demand across major VFX studios and production houses. In a similar vein to lighting artists, rendering artists are responsible for turning the 3D models into the real world-esque visuals we see on the screen. A delicate and highly technical job, rendering artists make sure that the project is transformed from an idea to a visual. 5. Roto Artist A rotoscoping artist or roto artist has the difficult and imperative task of tracing all those areas of a frame where CG meets real life, in order to provide compositors with a framework from which to begin their work. A job that offers great foundation in VFX, and often a starting point for VFX professionals, there is a great demand for roto artists today. 6. Matte Painter You know those beautiful, almost magical tapestries that only VFX films seem to have? A matte painter has a huge hand in their creation. A matte artist takes visual reference cues such as photographs, sketches and other references and turns them into realistic VFX scenes that all the action will take place in. 7. Match Mover Artist A match mover is typically an expert in both 2D and 3D as he or she has to work at the confluence of both worlds. An artist that works in CGI, tracking movements is an important part of the match mover’s responsibilities, as in this role, you would be typically responsible for ensuring that the computer-generated graphics integrate properly with the live-action footage, and proportions, movements and more all have a natural, seamless look and feel. Do you wish to be a part of the ever-evolving VFX world? The VFX industry in India is thriving and the VFX career path promises a whole bunch of career options for you – explore our bouquet of Animation & VFX courses that can help you achieve your ambitions.

Posted on: 2019-09-07T11:35:58
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