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Career in Animation? Here's your guide to choosing animation as a career optionA career in animation is one of the most-sought-after career options


What Does an Animator Do? Where Do Animators Work?What Does an Animator Do?Animators create animation and visual effects for everything from films

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Motion Graphics Artist:Learn about the education and preparation needed to become a motion graphics artist. Visually creative and artistic people who

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Animation and VFX is an excellent career option to build a future, because employment of multimedia artists and animators is projected to grow 10 % fr

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The best animation course in India can be taken up at Arena Animation. Arena offers a variety of animation and multimedia courses. Their portfolio of

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Arena Animation is the Animation & Multimedia education arm of Aptech Ltd. Over the past 23 years, Arena Animation has trained more than 450, 000 stu

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Scope of Animation .The animation industry in India is expected to grow at a pace faster than the IT industry's! .There are more than 300 animation s

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