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What Does an Animator Do? Where Do Animators Work? What Does an Animator Do? Animators create animation and visual effects for everything from films and video games to television, mobile devices and other forms of media using illustrations and software programs. Animators also create graphics and develop storyboards, drawings, and illustrations. They create, plan, and script animated narrative sequences and assist with background design and production coordination. Animators may also research upcoming projects to help create realistic designs or animation, they edit animation and effects on the basis of feedback from directors, other animators, game designers, or clients, and they meet with clients, other animators, games designers, directors, and other staff (which may include actors) to review deadlines and development timelines. What Types of Software Do Animators Use? Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere, Autodesk3ds Max, and Autodesk Maya are just a few leading software programs for animators. Where Do Animators Work? The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) combines multimedia artists and animators into one career group. According to the Bureau, “multimedia artists and animators often work in a specific medium. Some focus on creating animated movies or video games. Others create visual effects for movies and television shows. Creating computer-generated images (CGI) may include taking images of an actor’s movements, which are then animated into three-dimensional characters. Other animators design scenery or backgrounds for locations.”

Posted on: 2019-09-09T05:36:03
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