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Career in Animation? Here's your guide to choosing animation as a career option A career in animation is one of the most-sought-after career options these days. And why not? With high salaries, career growth and an opportunity to showcase your creativity, a career in animation could be the right choice for today's youth. With movies like Baahubali, Kung  Fu Panda, Ice Age and others being a rage among children and adults alike, the prospects of animation industry look bright. A job in animation can be defined as the art of breathing life to a character or an object. A blend of entertainment industry and technology, it is concerned with design, drawing, layout and production of graphically rich and attractive multimedia clips. Here's a list of probable job roles in animation: 2 D Animator 3 D Animator Key Frame Animator Image Editor Modeller Character Animator Texture Artist Layout Artist Lighting Artist Story Board Artist Background Artist Clean Up Artist Rigging Artist Rendering Artist Digital Ink and Paint Artist

Posted on: 2019-09-12T17:05:10
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