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What Skills Do You Need To Be An Animator... Among the skills required for a career in animation and gaming, perhaps the most important attribute is creativity. You should have a passion for sketching and drawing, The use of 3-D animation has increased significantly in recent years. So, being able to use computer tools to generate visuals.  Creativity and imagination  Patience and attention to detail  Drawing skills  Computer literacy and familiarity with graphics software(Photoshop//illustrator/3D max/Maya etc..)  Communication and presentation skills  Ability to meet deadlines and work as part of a team if you think you have the skills required to study animation and gaming, then you could opt to study animation courses in India. There are various well-known animation Institutes across the country; most of them are located in metropolitan cities like Bangalore, Mumbai or Delhi. Usually the minimum eligibility criteria for students is passing the 10+2. Entrance exams are institute-specific. Courses are often available in both full-time and part-time.

Posted on: 2019-09-28T09:44:54
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