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Types of Animators 3D Modellers: 3D modellers create computer models of a particular object from all angles, so that the viewers can understand the object better. A 3D modeller is required in all sorts of industries including film & video production studios, game design companies, advertising & graphic design firms, software firms, medical animation, and product design firms. Character Animators: A character animator develops characters and appropriate body movements to tell a story, be it for films, television, mobile applications or video games. In short, character animation is the process of bringing a character to life through software such as Flash, Maya, Light wave and other available programs. Motion Graphics Artists: Motion graphics artists are responsible for the creative process at different stages. He/she creates animated 2D & 3D images to portray motion. Motion graphics artist works in various mediums of media like internet, movies, commercial ads, movie trailers, broadcast titles, music videos, signage and content for mobile devices. Texture Artists: A texture artist’s job is to create and apply texture, colour and three dimensional effects to animated characters, environment and props surrounding the character or the artwork. A texture artist needs to be a detail-oriented person as this process involves working on the finer nuances of the artwork such as wrinkles, fur, scales etc. Some of the most common software and rendering platform used by a texture artist are Photoshop, 3D Paint, UV Layout/Editing, Render Man, Mental Ray, Maya, Shaders, and Houdini. Lighting Artists: A lighting artist works with lighting department to create the correct light and shadow effects to make a scene realistic & flawless. Lighting artists work for animation studios, gaming companies, production studios, advertising agencies, graphic and web design firms. Rigging Artists: A rigging artist needs precision & an eye for detail. He/she is responsible for adding bones and skins to an animated character. He/she has to work in sync with modelers and animators to develop new technique to solve production challenges and make believe character movements possible. Storyboard Artists: Storyboard artists provide a visual representation of a sequence/film by drawing frame by frame sketches by hand or on a computer. He/she has to present the action in a series of scenes, which allows filmmakers, advertisers and producers to evaluate the project before the start of production. Storyboard artists work with films, television commercials, animation studios, gaming studios and in the advertising industry. Compositing Artists: A compositing artist is one of the most important players for the post production process, who gives finishing touches to the project. Their job is to creatively combine all the elements received from various teams in to the final output. Compositing artists may use software such as Adobe After Effects, Nuke, Motion, Combustion or others to provide the final output.

Posted on: 2019-09-14T12:49:51
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